Call now for a Consultation (321) 452-7055
It is mandatory under Florida law to register with the local authorities if you are a felon convicted of a sex crime. To deal with Registration issues it is important to consult an attorney experienced in sex crimes. At Heather Harris Law, we have some of the finest criminal defense lawyers to counsel you on your rights and matters of compliance with Florida state laws including deadlines that need to be met. Our attorneys can assist you in promptly and accurately registering with the authorities.
Understanding Sex offender / Sexual Predator Registration issues
Failure to register can lead to a warrant for your arrest for violating the terms and conditions of your parole. In addition, an additional felony charge can be levied against you with imprisonment up to 15 years. It is important to understand the requirements and restrictions imposed on you by the court, which can be best explained by our team of experienced attorneys at Heather Harris Law. The penalties for sex offenders and sexual predators are the same. However, predators are required to register quarterly while it is mandatory for sexual offenders to register every six months.
Let a Heather Harris Law criminal defense lawyer help you comply with the law
It is equally important to register after your release from prison or probation within the stipulated time limit. In addition, there are other factors to consider such as your rights within the community and the procedures to be followed if you move to another area in Florida. There are restrictions on where you can reside. If you are required to register or have failed to then it is important that you contact us at Heather Harris Law at (321) 452-7055 to Speak to our sex crime attorneys about your Sex offender / Sexual Predator Registration issues so that they can get in touch with the appropriate authorities in Brevard County and let you move on with your life.