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A lewd act is defined as a sexual act in a public place for one’s personal gratification. Indecent exposure, pornography, and prostitution fall under the purview of lewd acts, which are sex crimes that can lead to jail terms, fines, and sex offender registration. Any sex crime is a serious charge that requires the expertise of an attorney to defend you. Our criminal defense lawyers at Heather Harris Law are ready to assist you if you have been accused of these crimes in and around the Brevard County area.
Understanding lewd acts and its consequences
Under the Florida Statute 800.04(4) – (7)) pertain to unlawful sexual activity with a minor under sixteen. It is important to understand that Florida courts do not entertain ignorance of the victim’s age as a defense strategy to such charges. Two minors below sixteen can also be prosecuted for the offense. Prostitution and lewd conduct are considered a misdemeanor for first and second time offenders. However, they do carry severe punishment including jail terms and/or fines, and sex offender registration for the defendant. Multiple offenders can be awarded harsher punishment in a state correctional facility. Regardless of the charge brought against you it is important to seek the services of a skilled lawyer.
Avoid maximum penalties with an experienced attorney
Very often individuals fall victim to false charges due to various reasons including lack of witnesses and wrong identity. In such circumstances you have a right to challenge the charges, for which you require the skills of a criminal defense attorney. Our lawyers at Heather Harris Law are there to help you if you have been charged with a crime. We understand the challenges and strategies that need to be adopted to defend clients that have been accused of sex crimes. Working with Heather Harris Law will enable us to determine the veracity and seriousness of the charges against you and the likelihood of avoiding conviction and maximum penalties. Our representatives will be happy to schedule an appointment with one of our lawyers to discuss your case.