You need experience on your side, call for a Consult (321)452-7055
Florida has stringent laws to deal with crimes related to violence, with prison terms of up to 5 years. If you have been charged with such a crime you need an experienced attorney to fight those charges. At Heather Harris Law, we have been aggressively defending our clients in court based on primary defenses such as conditional threat, reasonable fear, and false allegations.
Terms and conditions for prosecution under Florida statutes
The offense of aggravated assault under Florida Statute Section 784.011 sets conditions that the prosecutor must prove in order for a conviction to be upheld. The defendant should have intentionally and unlawfully threatened to perform any act of violence on the alleged victim. In addition, the defendant should have demonstrated the ability to carry out the threat at that moment. The defendant’s action should have created fear in the alleged victim that any act of violence was imminent. Under Florida Statute Section 784.021 the prosecutor is required to provide evidence of every element of assault including threat with the use of a deadly weapon that could cause bodily harm or death, or the assault was carried out with a conscious intent to harm the alleged victim. No matter what your circumstances it is important to engage an experienced lawyer to defend you.
Reduce or revoke charges with an attorney
It is important to understand the definition of aggravated assault and the penalties and defense strategies available to you. Our team of criminal defense attorneys at Heather Harris Law has the vital experience to put up a strong defense for you in a Brevard County court room. Under Florida’s Criminal Punishment Code, this assault is a third degree felony and a Level 6 offense. Punishment includes up to 5 years in prison with up to $5,000 in fines. It also may include up to 5 years of probation and a permanent criminal record with a listing and photo on the Department of Corrections website. To discuss your case us a call at (321) 452-7055 and set up a consultation with one of Heather Harris Law’s lawyers, who can also advise you on the proper course of action to fight those charges.